News — MPM
New Stock Arrivals
Publié par Systems Design le

- Étiquettes: 2024, Bollards, Distribution Centres, Flexible Barriers, Fork Lift, Freight Handling, Goods In, Goods Out, Hand Pallet Trucks, Health & Safety, Industrial Bollards, Loading Bay Safety, Logistics, Materials Handling, MPM, Reflex Technology Protection, Safety Barriers, Safety Bollards, Safety Gates, Safety Signs, Transport, UK, United Kingdom, Warehouse, Warehouse Doors, Warehouse Safety, Worksafe
Safeguarding Your Warehouse with Racking End Protection Barriers
Publié par Systems Design le

- Our versatile EN 15512 compliant pallet racking protection barriers are designed to absorb impacts and distribute force, effectively shielding your rack ends from potential damage. Choose from various sizes and configurations to suit your warehouse layout.
- Étiquettes: Distribution Centres, Flexible Barriers, Fork Lift, Health & Safety, MPM, Pallet Rack Protection, Pallet Racking Protection, Pallet Racking Systems, Pallet Truck, Plastic rack bumpers, Rack Guards, Rack Protectors, Rack Safety, Reflex Technology Protection, Safety Barriers, Warehouse, Warehouse Pallet Racking, Warehouse Racking Protectors, Warehouse Safety, Worksafe